
Today in the lecture it was brought to light the issue of reblogging.  Due to being in my own little bubble over the last week I had missed this until this morning.  This evening I thought I’d catch up on some blogs after completing more of the learning path and having some interesting things to blog about.  As I was scrolling through the recent posts I came across David’s blog post about reblogging and had a read.  Firstly can I say, I love the way David addresses issues as they are raised!!  He investigates them, has formulated statistics, broken those statistics down even further for those of us who struggle with that (I’m referring to myself HA!) and then provides all of this information to us.  So thank you David!  

It was interesting to see how the conversation developed today and the different perspectives on reblogging.  I was more inclined to lean on the side of good faith, maybe these students didn’t do this with deceptive intentions, clearly the optimist in me coming out.  I have never reblogged, I’ve always just created links, I guess because I’m comfortable and familiar with this.  My argument today was, if people are concerned about having their blogs “plagiarised” and I do use the term loosely, then as with making a link to another students blog, don’t you have to “approve” the reblogging of the post?  I could be wrong, this is an assumption on my behalf as I’ve never reblogged and I’m unsure of the process I just guessed it would be similar to that of making links.  Let’s assume I’m right (for the sake of humoring me if nothing else), then we could just not “approve” the reblog?

After all the controversy I’m definitely steering clear of reblogging, but I do hope the people that have done so, have done it not knowing that it would benefit them and lessen their workload.  Rather, just to share and engage with other students. 

Just my opinion, that’s all 🙂

3 thoughts on “Reblogging

  1. Just a bit of clarification on the “approval” questions.

    The “approval” part of re-blogging only applies to whether or not you want the comment made by the re-blogger to appear on your blog. It doesn’t stop the re-blogging.

    Personally, I have no problem with re-blogging as long as there is an attempt to add to the conversation by actually commenting on the original post.

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